Enterprise LMS with Adobe Captivate Prime
I remember working for an organization that decided to purchase a new LMS. I was an instructional designer who specialized in eLearning. Therefore, I had a hand in some of our organization's decisions. The LMS vendor had countless meetings with the critical individuals on our team, and it felt like a highly unproductive time. I don't recall exactly how long this took, but it felt like the better part of the year. They installed this software on our company servers, and we even had one of their IT people working out of our office for months. Our company purchased this LMS outright for more than a million dollars, and I know there were monthly service fees as well. I remember at the time thinking that was outrageously expensive.
Fast forward about half a dozen years to an Adobe eLearning conference I was attending. Imagine my surprise when they announced an LMS that only cost $4 per month per learner. Of course, there is a minimum threshold of learners required, but still, I could afford that if I wanted to set up my own LMS. It was at this same conference where I met Damien Bruyndockx. I was flattered that the author of the Mastering Adobe Captivate series of books was aware of my YouTube channel. I was undoubtedly a fan of his work. We shared a taxi cab from the conference hotel to the airport and had some time to get to know one another and become friends.
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I'm a big believer that my eLearning supports a larger universe that contributes to all the learning an individual needs. This also includes classroom training, on-the-job learning, and informal learning from their peers. This was one topic I was very interested in, but I had some doubts that a highly technical book would teach me how to set up social learning in my LMS. Again, I've tried to learn about the tool using my account where I'm the sole user. It's hard to learn about social learning when you're by yourself. Damien's book has an entire chapter covering how to enable and manage social learning. Captivate Prime has discussion boards that can be activated. The book not only discusses how to get it up and running but gives you the background as to why you would want to add this to your LMS. Damien's book is excellent that way and this is only one such example. The book not only provides the know-how but the why you do something as well.
Whether you have already purchased Adobe Captivate Prime or are just getting started with the trial account, Enterprise LMS with Adobe Captivate Prime is a great resource. You might be the LMS administrator of an organization about to embark on a transition from your old LMS to this one, or perhaps you are like me, a freelancer who knows he will have to have some knowledgeable discussions about LMS and specifically Captivate Prime with your clients. Whatever your role is I literally cannot recommend any other book about Captivate Prime. This is the definitive work. Purchase Enterprise LMS with Adobe Captivate Prime from Amazon using the link below:
When Damien asked me if I wanted to check out his new book called Enterprise LMS with Adobe Captivate Prime: Design and develop world-class learning experiences for your employees, partners, and customers, I was happy to give it a read. Presently as an influencer, Adobe provides me with a demo account for Adobe Captivate Prime, but the one thing that has been lacking is an excellent book to guide me through learning this cloud-based LMS. You see, Damien's book is the first and, at the time of this writing, the only book on Adobe Captivate Prime. Up until now, I have had to figure things out blindly. It has taken me years to learn some aspects of Captivate Prime. Now I have a resource that I can use as a reference.
When you log into Prime, you can switch between any of the assigned roles. So, for example, you would likely have administrator, author, instructor, manager, and learner access to the LMS as an instructional designer. I find this invaluable because not only do I need to perform the job of the author, but I also have to perform all those other roles. Enterprise LMS with Adobe Captivate Prime has sections for all these roles and is a perfect resource for an organization new to Captivate Prime to have handy on the desks of all people in those critical roles.
Of course, we learn by doing, and Damien has thought of this. He has included practical exercises where you can practice building learning solutions with your materials or practice with the example files included with the book. Enterprise LMS with Adobe Captivate Prime is available in print and as an eBook in all the usual formats such as ePub, PDF, Kindle, etc.