Fix Fluid Box Image Fill Resize Issue in Captivate
In this Adobe Captivate tutorial, I show you how to fix the fluid box image fill resize issue.
Do This to Your Images Before Adding to Your Captivate eLearning
I saw a post on the forums recently where a person didn't understand why the images they imported into their eLearning project were not showing up, were slow to load, or were showing up as red boxes. My experience is that the images being selected were too large for the elearning course.
Adobe Captivate - Advanced Answer Feedback with Images
In this video tutorial, I answer Fundació Eduard Soler's question is there a way to insert images into an advanced answer option multiple choice question like the knowledge check I used in this video.
Background Images in Fluid Boxes
In this Adobe Captivate video tutorial, I demonstrate how you can work with background images in your fluid box responsive design eLearning projects and ensure they line up the way you want them to...