hidden next button

Make Your Hidden or Disabled Next Button Available Right Away on Slide Revisits

Make Your Hidden or Disabled Next Button Available Right Away on Slide Revisits

In this video tutorial, I will show you how you can use advanced actions to program a click-to-reveal interaction. Also, this tutorial will show you how you can disable the next button until the learner completes the click-to-reveal. Still, the real kicker is that Captivate will remember that the learner has completed the interaction on subsequent slide revisits and make the Next button available right away.

Easy Forced Navigation in Captivate 2019 Update 2

Easy Forced Navigation in Captivate 2019 Update 2

Have you ever had to create a click to reveal interaction where the continue or next button remains hidden until the learner clicks all the items? Traditionally this would require multiple user variables to track what has been clicked and multiple conditional advanced actions to do all the programmatic stuff behind the scenes. This was time-consuming and not something new Captivate users found easy to do. This just got super easy with Adobe Captivate 2019 Update 2 (version 11.5).