Live Stream - Instructional Design Job Interview Secrets | September 19, 10 AM ET
Join me online for a live stream on instructional design job interview secrets on September 10th at 10 AM ET.
Ask Me Anything (About Adobe Captivate) Recorded Session.
It feels like it's time to do another AMA (or I couldn't think of a new topic for this week).
Elearning Livestream - AMA | March 25, 2019
Did you miss my elearning livestream? Here is the recording.
How To LIVESTREAM on YouTube
I create different kinds of videos for different situations. Most of my videos are straight up single topic tutorials. I have used the Video Demo feature in Adobe Captivate to do these but more recently I have begun using Adobe Presenter Video Express for its mixture of screen recording and webcam which if very cool. In the last six months or so I have been conducting live streams several times per month...