Use Local Storage to Share Captivate Variables Between Projects
In this video, I show you how to export the contents of a user variable, such as a student name, to your browser's local storage and then recall the contents of that local storage in another Adobe Captivate 12 project.
All-New Adobe Captivate - Variables
In this video, I introduce you to the concept of variables inside of the All-New Adobe Captivate.
FORGET Icons! Images CLICK REVEAL in Captivate (EASY HACK)
Use images instead of icons in Adobe Captivate and click to reveal (easy hack).
All-New Adobe Captivate - Partial Scoring in Multiple Choice
In this video, I show you how to set up partial scoring in your Adobe Captivate multiple choice question slides.
Stop Wasting Time! Edit Captivate Audio FAST!
Are you tired of switching between Captivate and external audio editors? This video reveals a hidden gem—Captivate's built-in audio editing tools! Learn how to trim, adjust volume, and even record new clips without leaving Captivate. Save time, streamline your workflow, and polish your eLearning audio like a pro!
eLearning Lifehack - Get Adobe Captivate for FREE!
Why I Focus on PAF for Simple Yet Effective Training
I was reviewing some of the learning theories that I have been taught over the years and discovered that many have either been completely debunked or have, at the very least, received some level of criticism.
All-New Adobe Captivate - More than 1 Click Box
In this video, I show you how to add more than one click box in your software simulation.
Adobe Learning Summit 2024
This morning, I visited the Adobe Learning Summit 2023 website to look up something about last year's Adobe Learning conference. To my surprise, I discovered that the website has been revamped for the upcoming Adobe Learning Summit 2024, set to take place at the prestigious Resorts World, Las Vegas, on October 2 and 3.
Unlocking the Power of Adobe Captivate 12.3: A Comprehensive Update
Here are three minor additional improvements that have been made to Adobe Captivate in the 12.3 update.