My YouTube Channel is Starting to Pay Back

The original purpose of creating my YouTube channel has come to fruition today. Last night I was contacted by a client in California who has seen my videos. She asked me to consult on a project that she is working on for a chain of hotels; I agreed. We discussed my fee through email and this morning I called her to discuss her technical needs for this project. I spent about an hour on the phone with her and I'd like to think I helped her out. I hope so.

 I'm a big fan of Gary Vaynershuk, published author and entrepreneur, who teaches about the thank you economy. He teaches that if you put your content out there with no thought of reward, to just be helpful to the greater community, the rewards will come back to you. Thank you Gary.

 Of course it also reminded me that I didn't have a simple video on my YouTube channel that discussed putting videos into your Adobe Captivate projects. So thank you Elizabeth, I now have this video and I hope it's well received by all my subscribers. 


Adobe Captivate - Custom Messages for Quiz Reviews


Adding a Note Taking Capabilility to Your eLearning Project