DevLearn 2021 Session — Making eLearning Magic with Adobe Captivate
I wanted to provide all of you with a quick summary of what to expect from me at the upcoming DevLearn conference to be held in Las Vegas.
I’ve heard the complaints. 2019 was two years ago. When are we getting a new version of Adobe Captivate? Actually, it came out in the summer of 2018 so it’s actually over three years old. Yes, there have been half a dozen or so updates to the software over those years in service, but eLearning authors like you and me want something that looks brand new. We want our training to be cool and sexy. We want to look like eLearning rockstars.
Rock Star
There are these interactions we all know how to build in Adobe Captivate 2019. You have a click to reveal where you click a smart shape used as a button and your course displays some supplemental content. You also know how to build a content carousel that cycles through information on screen. Of course we have the in-built question slides that haven’t been updated since…well, since forever. We want to engage our learners but some of these interactions are pretty drab.
In this session, you’ll learn how to take your Adobe Captivate interactions from drab to fab. We’ll start with learning how you can improve your click to reveal interactions to make them look like 3-D flip cards. You’ll also learn how to create a content carousel that presents content to your learners using a cool animated effect. Next, you’ll discover how to build an information wheel that works off a single click to progress through the information. Lastly, you’ll find out how to build a knowledge check slide that doesn’t use the in-built question slides that learners have seen a thousand times before. You’ll leave this session with new tools to put in your eLearning toolbelt that will make your eLearning look like magic.
In this session, you will learn:
How to track your learner’s progress through interactions using Adobe Captivate variables
How to write advanced actions that include a variety of actions that when combined create interactions that are truly engaging
How to use effects in your advanced actions that will make your eLearning appear like magic
How you can repurpose what you’ve learned in this session into your new eLearning projects in seconds instead of hours, and look like an eLearning superstar
My session is on October 20th from 3 PM to 4 PM. It’s marked as a BYOD session but you don’t have to work on these exercise files I will be providing free of charge during the session. You will get a template along with a completed version of the project file to take with you and easily use in your own projects right away.
But you can’t get this material unless you register and attend.