Submit All with Only One Submit Button in Your Captivate Quiz
Paul Wilson Paul Wilson

Submit All with Only One Submit Button in Your Captivate Quiz

In this video tutorial, I got a message from Anjalli Pawar about disabling the Submit All on the majority of slides. Not a complicated solution but I think this accomplishes what Anjalli was looking. At least I hope so. In either case, feel free to use this approach to have only one final submit button at the end of your quiz but still can move about the exam freely.

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Submit All Improvements in Adobe Captivate
Paul Wilson Paul Wilson

Submit All Improvements in Adobe Captivate

Sometimes Adobe will improve features in new versions of Adobe Captivate without listing them as a feature improvement. To my surprise, this was the case in Captivate 2017 with the submit all feature. Because I don't always use the submit all feature, I was unaware of this improvement covered in the video tutorial until now with Captivate 2019!

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More Than One Fill-In-The-Blank
Paul Wilson Paul Wilson

More Than One Fill-In-The-Blank

In this video tutorial, I show you how you can set up a fill-in-the-blank question to contain more than one blank. I also show you how you can convert a fill-in-the-blank to use a drop-down list instead of the blank…

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Paul Wilson Paul Wilson

Other Ways of Doing Things

I recently was helping a client work on their Adobe Captivate eLearning project and she had a sequence question. I honestly can’t tell you the last time I used a sequence question. I believe the first time I attempted to use one I just felt that the user experience was so poor that I quickly figured out alternative ways to accomplish the same thing...

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