Tiny App Tuesday #3 - PowerToys
Paul Wilson Paul Wilson

Tiny App Tuesday #3 - PowerToys

A small team over at Microsoft has resurrected the idea of PowerToys for Windows 10. And what’s really good news is that some of these tools are ideal for people in the eLearning development industry.

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Tiny App Tuesday #2 - PureText
Paul Wilson Paul Wilson

Tiny App Tuesday #2 - PureText

In this week’s Tiny App Tuesday, I want to share a tiny free app that I’ve been using for a number of years now. This app is called PureText.

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Tiny App Tuesday #1 - Bing Wallpaper
Paul Wilson Paul Wilson

Tiny App Tuesday #1 - Bing Wallpaper

This is the first of a series I want to call Tiny Software Tuesday, where I showcase a small, usually free application that you can install on your computer that benefits those in the eLearning space.

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